Well, I'm starting to get settled in. I'm feeling much more comfortable with my job, and I have most of the stuff that I need. If I don't, then it's in the mail on the way. One of my co-workers, Miss R we shall call her, told me that most companies will ship to APO addresses. So I went 'Christmas Shopping' this weekend, and I got myself some things that I needed... a few of them were wants. I'm very excited for the next week or two because all of my packages will be coming in! I can't wait to get them!
Christmas was very enjoyable. I had to work which was a good thing. It got me out of my lonely room and around people. I met a new friend, who we shall call Mr. N. Mr. N has years of experience with the job, but he started a day or two after me. So on Christmas, our foreman took us to Camp Arifjan to get access badges. Mr. N is from Bosnia so he got to fill out his paperwork but not get his card. As for me, I got my card the same day. So my foreman took me to the PX while he patiently waited for us. While at the PX, I was able to get a phone and some much needed supplies. It was wonderful, and it gave me the chance I needed to call my family.
I'm able to use the computer at work, so I will be doing my best to put up some pictures of my room and some views soon. That'll happen about once I remember to do it.
Have a fun day!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
So I've made it to Kuwait. I kept most everyone informed and have a load of stories already. I really don't want to type it all up right now. I 'm getting tired. lol I've been going to bed around seven every night trying to get adjusted to the difference in time. Anyways, I shouldn't be doing anything tomorrow. I'll leave a nice little blog for everyone with some interesting stories. I suppose they'll be funny one day. For now, it all kind of sucked. :) Anyways, have fun! Oh, and just for the record, I'm doing fine. I'm even starting to talk to people.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Weigh In
This past Monday morning, I weighed in at 156.0 which is so close to 155.8 that I feel confident in saying, "I've lost 13 pounds!!!"
Here are my measurements as of 12/5/10:
Bust: 42.75
True Waist: 37.5
Waist: 39.5
Hips: 41.5
Arm: 14.25
Calf: 15.25
Neck: 14.5
I don't know my body fat as of recent, but I can tell you that I have way more muscles than I've ever had!
Things on this end are going good. I feel healthy and confident about my body now. I can't wait to keep working on it!!!
I don't have pictures this time around, but after getting settled down in Kuwait, I'll take some.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving Celebration
For Thanksgiving, I went with my family on a trip to San Diego. Mother's favorite place in the ENTIRE world is Sea World. So, of course, we went. I had never been before, and it was rather enjoyable. We watched a lot of the shows. We saw Shamu, the dolphins, and the sea lions. Each show was different but cute! I have mainly pictures of Shamu. Then I put the camera up and focused on enjoying my day.

Thanksgiving was fun. We drove down to San Diego. We ate a buffet which made Mom feel a little sick. That was sad.
On Saturday, we went to the Temple and then the mall. The temple was absolutely beautiful! And we have the funniest story about the mall. We went to the mall and it was outside and not very good We were rather disappointed. Then later that evening, we found another mall. It looked very nice, so we went to it. After a bit, I started pointing out things, and we realized we were at the same mall! But it was so much fun the second time around! I suppose we needed to eat or something on the first trip. My little sister found an AMAZING dress for super cheap (semi-formal) and Mother found a shirt. I did a Foto Booth. It was all I wanted. The pictures turned out way cute! But Mom doesn't want them put up for all to see. :(
Anyways, here's some fun pictures from the trip.
Today's Weigh In
Today's weigh in put me at 158.8. I have now officially lost ten pounds! I think I'll celebrate by working vigorously at the gym tonight.
I had a lazy week with working out. I did a bunch of walking around and can say that I did lose weight over the Thanksgiving holiday. So while I may not have lost as much as I wanted, I did well.
TEN POUNDS!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Yet Another Journey
So my acne quest was successful and went well. It's still there, but it is so much better. Now I'm on a weight loss quest! I want to be very blunt and realistic about it. Usually when I take pictures of myself, I angle the camera so I look smaller. Who doesn't? lol The pictures I show will be straight on and accurate. I will share my weight and my measurements. I will weigh in every week, and do my body fat and measurements along with pictures every month.

So I actually started two weeks ago and simply took my time do post my blog. The pictures I have up were a little late. I had already lost five pounds by the time we, SnoBunny and I, got around to taking them.
So as of Nov. 6...
Weight: 168.8
Body Fat: 35%
Measurements as of Nov. 12...
Bust: 44.25
True Waist: 39.5
Waist: 40.75
Hips: 43.5
Arm: 15
Calf: 15.25
Neck: 15
Weight: 163.8
Weight as of today: 161.0
And pictures as of Nov. 12...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Missy's Sad
So Missy's missing Mister so badly. Say that five times fast. lol! I let her in last night to give her some dinner, but she wasn't even interested. She wanted Mister. She kept making laps around the apartment, crying for him. It was so heartbreaking! I tried to comfort her, but she wouldn't let me. Her's a video of her and her pitiful little cry.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Saying good bye is never easy...
So the time has come to find kitty a new home. He is my joy in life. He listens better than anyone ever could and even snuggles with me. He sleeps with me when I'm sick and loves to go for car rides. He knocks over every cup of water just to watch it flow out because it's fun, too. My kitty is the best thing around. I knew he was meant for me the moment he drank rice milk and ate rice bread. He loved it! We have been through so much. He's kept me company during William's deployment and helped me find a job when we moved. Literally, I took him in the car while I turned in applications. He loved it. :) He's gone for walks; although he didn't succeed. We tried. lol We've also had to help him. We've shaved him to get rid of fleas. We've given him baths and even had to patch him up after a cat fight. I will miss my kitty so much, but I think his new home will be lovely. It was a couple, and the girl talked about him like she loved him as much as I did already. But kitty, I love you. Good luck and know my tears will follow you.
In a few days or weeks, it'll be funny to me.
So here's a funny story for y'all.
Since we're moving out, we have to be getting rid of practically everything that we own. One of the things that we're losing is our car. We sold it to a dear friend of mine who I shall call :) (smiley face). Now, :), has been looking for a car for a really long time and she knew we were thinking about selling. So she decided to go ahead and buy the car from us. :) is flying in to town and then will drive it back to where she lives. She bought her ticket a little over a week ago, and I have been counting down the days to see her. I miss her so much, ya know! So last night, Will and I packed up the car with things for her to take for us and got everything just perfect. We got the few things it needed done, and I even had it detailed! It's looking almost as good as new. Don't forget the almost. :) should be happy with that. So after packing up the car last night, I decided to check in with :) and see how things were going at the airport. I was truly surprised when she said she wasn't at the airport. She was still home. I was blown away. "But you're leaving in like thirty minutes to fly," I said. She said no, she was leaving tomorrow. "There's no way. I could have sworn you were leaving today. You were gonna help us with some paperwork and I schedule several other things for Saturday because you are suppose to be here tomorrow." She informed me that if it was 'today', then she clearly missed her flight. We were both a little worked up about it so I hopped on line quickly to look at her itinerary. Sure enough, she was right. For which we're grateful, but I feel so silly. I've had to rearrange everything else to.
Thankfully it's all my fault. I never mess up dates and times. I'm like a walking calendar book sometimes. I can't believe I messed up. Maybe this is what growing old is like... Anyways, I thought y'all might get a kick out of my mistake. My little sister told me it was entertaining, so I thought I'd share it with all.
By the way, I can't wait to see you tomorrow :)!!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Fun Doodle
I've got bad news, but good news, but bad news...
So funny story. I finally got my plane ticket purchased so that I could fly to Texas for my training! YES!!! Then an hour later, they told me that they had to change policy on one of the pieces of paperwork. I was suppose to do it there; now I have to do it before I get there. So they cancelled my ticket, and I'm stuck at home for like another week or so. It totally SUCKS!!! But then I got good news. My husband got himself a job over in Iraq as a contractor. Go, husband!!! It's totally awesome for him and wonderful. It's all very good news, but I'm still sad that I'm stuck here. But go, husband! But still sad, but go husband! Such was my day. Hope yours is better than my bad and as good as my good!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Finally Back.
So I know I've been m.i.a. for like forever now. But I'm back. I've been pretty busy the past few weeks. I got a job offer to go work in Kuwait, and I accepted. So I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off going to doctor appointments, the dentist, and the local sheriff's office (4 times!) for fingerprint cards, and much more. Now everything is done, and I'm just waiting for the okay to head off to training. I hope to be leaving this weekend for that. Say some prayers that it'll work out, please!
And here's a map of Kuwait. I have no clue where exactly I'm going, but it isn't big at least. lol :)
Anyways, once I leave, I'll take pictures and blog some more!
At first, I was super nervous. Believe me. I didn't quite want to say yes. But now, I am totally geared up for this and ready! It's gonna be a fun adventure, and I'm going to learn so much. I'm going to see so much about our world. But my main reason is that when I come back, I'll be out of debt and able to put in papers for adoption. I can't wait!!!
Anyways, here's a map of the middle east. I totally suck at geography, so maybe being over there will help me a bit.

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Scripture for a Year
Okay, here's my new scripture to pull me through the next bit. I have quite a few changes going on in my life that I will explain in a later blog. I'm not ready to tackle it quite yet; although I think everyone knows about it already. So I flipped open my scriptures this morning for a quick verse and found this. It's perfect for what I'm about to face.

Which one do you like best? I'll probably only be taking one with me. I think it'll live in my pant pocket so I can see it at all times.
OPI Nail Polish
A fun activity!
Yesterday was a super Saturday for Relief Society. I was so excited because I actually had the day off and could go! We made adorable letter words for decorations in our home. The sister cut the letters out of wood with her scroll saw at home. Then we brought our own scrapbook paper to use. We traced and cut out the letters and then applied with mod podge. I've never used mod podge before and had never been taught how to use it so I was very excited to learn another crafting skill! Fall is my favorite season, and I decorate for it more than I do for Christmas I believe. So I took some fall paper with me since 'tis the season for fall. And here's what I made:
I adore my letters! I can't get over how cute they turned out! But I must say that I love my 'love' word pattern much more than my 'faith' pattern.
Have fun!
Friday, September 10, 2010
So after making my hat, I was told that I had to post a picture of me in the hat. Well, I'm going to do that. I also hadn't flushed out my need to crochet so I made a few more. I'm not over my need to crochet, but I have done enough to where I can focus on my cards at least. So here's the pictures.

I made most of my hats to match my winter wardrobe. They'll be so cute with some of my outfits!
I made a hat for my business partner, D. His football team is the GA Bulldogs, so I made one his team colors. I figured it was the least I could do for all he's doing for the business.
And there's me in the hats! Happy hatting! Maybe I should meet the Hatter. That would be fun. :)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Something Different
I needed to do something different in my spare time. I have now made over 200 cards for my company, and the other morning, I got creatively blocked. All I could think is, I really want to crochet. So I left the house thirty minutes early (before work) and went to Wally World. I bought a needle and two colors of yarn. And then I made myself a hat. It took from 8 am, when I bought the supplies, until 730 pm. I thought it was going to turn out just awful. At first, it looked like the carpet. Then it looked like a barret, however you spell that word. Then it finally looked like a hat. So here's a picture.
People were giving me such a hard time about it. Then I had to listen to stories of how Grandma and Auntie So-and-so used to crochet. "Are you really going to wear that?" My answer was simple. If it turns out cute, yes. And it did turn out cute. I doubted myself for a while there, but it did turn out cute. If not, please tell me so I don't embarrass myself. It's a little long so that once I wear it, I can flip the bottom up about an inch all around. My husband told me it needed a little shaping, so I slept in it last night. And I shocked myself. It was so comfortable. I don't want to do my hair today. I want to wear it even if it does get into the 90s. lol
Have fun! I hope to get some cards made this weekend. lol
Sunday, August 22, 2010
New shoes!
I got new shoes the other night from my friend, Miss H. Miss H has been rather sick for quite some time now, and I have missed her greatly. We work together on the military post. One thing about Miss H is that everything has to match. She is a shoe addict, and it's so cute! So she bought me this pair the other night when I went out to her place to visit her. She's still sick, but she did seem to be doing a little better. I wish her luck, and please pray for her. :)
My Attempt at Cooking
So I'm a horrible cook. Anyone who knows me, knows that I exist to trip, hurt myself, or break whatever it is I'm touching. This applies with food too. I'm fairly bad, but I'm starting to get a little better as time goes on. I turn on the correct burner now and have less fires. I can also bake. But I still struggle with anything in the skillet. The other morning, I was working on making lunch, and I think it actually turned out!!! So I took some pictures for everyone to enjoy looking at.
The softest hands ever...
So I'm starting to become a Mary Kay junkie. I'm growing addicted to their make-up and skin care products. Today I'm blogging about their Satin Hands. It's wonderful and makes hands so soft. I would highly recommend buying it. It can be expensive if you buy it from a Mary Kay representative. I bought mine on ebay for a fair price.
This is the first step to Satin Hands. Make sure to start with soft hands. First, wet your hands a little. Then squeeze out a little bit of hand softner. It feels very much like putting wax on your hands, but it gives amazing results.
This is step two: Pump out some of the Satin Scrub onto your hands and rub it in. I like to add a dribble of water to help it out. Afterwards, wash your hands clean.
This is the complete set to purchase. It consists of a hand softner, hand scrub, and hand lotion.
The Middle of the Clear Skin Quest
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