So I know I've been m.i.a. for like forever now. But I'm back. I've been pretty busy the past few weeks. I got a job offer to go work in Kuwait, and I accepted. So I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off going to doctor appointments, the dentist, and the local sheriff's office (4 times!) for fingerprint cards, and much more. Now everything is done, and I'm just waiting for the okay to head off to training. I hope to be leaving this weekend for that. Say some prayers that it'll work out, please!
At first, I was super nervous. Believe me. I didn't quite want to say yes. But now, I am totally geared up for this and ready! It's gonna be a fun adventure, and I'm going to learn so much. I'm going to see so much about our world. But my main reason is that when I come back, I'll be out of debt and able to put in papers for adoption. I can't wait!!!
Anyways, here's a map of the middle east. I totally suck at geography, so maybe being over there will help me a bit.

And here's a map of Kuwait. I have no clue where exactly I'm going, but it isn't big at least. lol :)

Anyways, once I leave, I'll take pictures and blog some more!
I hope for lots of pictures and blogs about Kuwait- i'm so excited for you I hope it happens this weekend for you they need to hurry it on up. Once you go all over the world we can go on international trips togetha:)