While talking to my sister yesterday, it came to my attention that I haven't put any pictures of Kuwait up yet. I actually haven't taken any pictures yet, but my friend has. He borrowed my camera one weekend and had fun. So here's some pictures of what he took.
I love the architecture and the seashore here. It is fairly cool and pretty if you know how to look for it. But the picture with the flat and brown and nothing to it but some litter, that's normal. That's how most of it looks. The one with the three towers with balls on them is a big thing out here. It's the only one, and they are known as the 'Kuwait Towers'. There's a restaurant in one of the balls, and people say it's a pretty fun thing to do. I hope you got a little taste of Kuwait today.
Yay! now i have something i can visualize where you are at. Looks like there are some cool buildings though and eating in that spaceship restaurant would be sweeet..lol