So, of course, as we all know, one of my dearest friends is here in Kuwait! He went home on his vacation during the past month, so I stole some pictures from him to put on my blog. He is from Macedonia, and I can't wait for the day that I get to go and see the beautiful country that he is from!!! Go, Macedonia!

Here is a Macedonia Fortress named Kale. It is not far from the city square, and I must say that I love the flag at the top!

Here is a beautiful view from the mountain called Vodno.

This is, of course, my friend's pride and joy: his car! It is a Peugeot 307 XS.

And here is the bus that my friend would ride to school every day. He stalked it around town and took several pictures of it. He's even given me a drawing of it. Go, School Buses!!! Woo-hoo! (But it's actually public transportation that the children use out there.)
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