Friday, July 1, 2011

Brave Adventures

This year, my New Year's Resolution was to try everything I was afraid of. If it scared me, then I had to do it. I must say, I've been doing amazingly well at accomplishing this and have seen myself grow so much! One thing that I've always been terrified of is trying new foods. I have always gagged and turned up my nose at just about everything. Making friends from all over the world has forced me to change my habits. I have had some Bosnian and Macedonian food, and it has been absolutely delicious. I've had a few small bites of Indian food here and there while they laugh at me because of the spiciness. I also had a mango that was brought all the way from India. That thing was huge! I'm not kidding. It looked like a baby football.
Tonight, one of my friends made me an Indian meal. I had asked him to make it for me because I was tired of trying just a bite here and there. I wanted a full meal to judge by. Here are the pictures of what he made me.

It was definitely quite the adventure! It's not too bad. I was gagging at the thought of trying it, but it was actually okay. I would have to say that the rice looked all right, but the white sauce was very daunting. I'm not sure what the sauce is made out of-probably something I am allergic to, but I tried it. The sauce had red onion and green bean in it. The rice had carrots, peas, green beans, peppers, and some kind of leaf in it also. Put it all together and you get an Indian meal!
Now here's an interesting fact that I didn't know until a few weeks ago. People from India eat with their hands. They have no utensils. In southern India, they eat off of banana leaves during special occasions.
Anyways, this meal was okay. It had a gentle spice that kicked in later on stronger. I ate half of what was on my plate and was already full. Go vegetarian meals! Wish you could have tried some with me.


  1. Just so everyone knows, I asked my friend what the food was called. He told me it is called Bidigani. I probably spelled that wrong, too, but that's what its called!

  2. I think that is the best new years resolution ever! Have i told you lately how proud i am of you! That white stuff does look weird..but the rice thing looks good. You are so lucky to have such cool friends!

  3. Thank you so much! FYI-it's called bidianii. I did spell it wrong... :( FYI2-My friends rock-you included!

  4. Uh, makes me want a Big Mac and fries!
