Well, most people know by now that William attempted to give the cat a bath. It's a huge process, and can be difficult. Well, it didn't work to well, and William ended up with some issues. We decided to shave the cat. It helps us to find the last few fleas that the cat has and kill them. We're doing our best. However, the cat is super cold now. So we've given him the heating pad and lamp. He gets heat from underneath and from above. He is very happy now... and he's less itchy. It's helping.

Kitty before he was shaved. :)

Kitty after he was shaved.
By the way, today is my friend Chantel's birthday! She is now 24 and even forgot it was her birthday... lol. That's way too cute. I was going to blog about her birthday card, but I forgot to take the picture. Oops!
Enjoy your day!
Don't forget there are always sweaters for cold kitties:) Makes me miss my kitties in their sweaters! Mister looks so funny now though!