Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Workout That Never Was

So on Tuesday morning, I got up to do my workout. I wake up around 7:30 and am usually very groggy. But I stumble down all of the stairs (I live on the top level, go penthouse!) and hop on the treadmill. I didn't warm up as well as I thought I had because my legs started to cramp up. The last thing I wanted was that, so after fifteen minutes, I called it quits and decided to do a video upstairs in my room. I did the video for about five minutes before I felt unmotivated. So I decided to use my hand weights. Even if I don't want to work out, I do at least that because it's better than nothing and easiest in my mind. So I put the weights on the bed, went to sit down on the floor for a certain move, and one of the weights started to roll. I was unaware of it because I was in the middle of sitting down. It brushed my cheek, landed on the base of my thumb, and rolled onto the floor. At that point, I cried and called it quits. I just gave up. I was so heartbroken! I grabbed some ice for my hand and chatted with a friend on-line. lol Thankfully, my face was just fine. My hand is still a little sore, but I have full movement and no big damage was done. So God was looking out for me and made sure I was okay. Thank goodness!

1 comment:

  1. oh that is so sad! I sat on my hand weights last night (hurt my bootie!) and had no workout motivation I wonder if somehow it was connected through the space time continuum. I even skipped wed. zumba! I hope your hand isn't very hurt so you don't have to miss workouts. Guess you can still get on the treadmill with a hurt hand lol.
