My lost iPod is found! I lost it sometime during our move. I remember using it a few times, and then discovered it today in my glove compartment. It's hilarious because I actually use my glove compartment. I don't know why I didn't see it before. Regardless, I found it! So I decided to post a few pictures of iPods I enjoy.
This is my iPod that I found. It's an iPod shuffle and is apparently outdated because I found an updated picture of what an iPod shuffle looks like now. They're definitely different, and I'd have to say I like the one I have better.
Here's the new iPod.

And then here's the iPod nano. They'll even engrave stuff on the back for free now. I like it mainly because of the color. It's way pretty. I also wish I had this one because I could make playlists and see what was currently playing. It's on my wish list that's like three hundred pages long. lol :)
i'm glad our conversation about mp3 players helped you find your ipod so you didn't have to buy something else - still when you want something new we have to get you something other than an ipod!