Monday, July 18, 2011

Did You Know...?

That some flies can bite? While working yesterday, a particular little fly decided I was his best friend. I waved him away a few times and didn't think twice. A moment later, my neck was itchy. Upon reaching up, I felt something! I, no kidding, flipped out! I almost swerved in the car out of fear, and I'm sure the driver behind me thought I had lost my mind. I felt a sharp sting and saw the fly fall down. "I killed the sucker!" or so I thought. When I checked to make sure he had fallen to the floor, he was laying on my side. I went to wipe him off, and he flew! The thing could still fly! He was huge, he had bite me, I had injured him, and he could still fly! I squished him one more time, and he flew away. I kept the window down for the next bit and inspected my poor neck. All of this, of course, while driving. Way to go for safety... I know for sure the people behind me thought something had gone terribly wrong! Stupid flies. This is one time that Kuwait just sucks.